Love Laura the Ultah Gift of the 33 Krisdayanti
the gift Dawn -source: www. detikHot.com
Krisdayanti, Cinta Laura (fjr/hot)
Jakarta, Sosok Cinta Laura Kiehl evidently made Krisdayanti curious.
KD -his close greeting- claimed amazed with the phenomenon of Laura's Love.
Amazement pelantun 'Pilihlah Aku had' not' finally been kept by him personally.
KD that currently 33 years could the special birthday gift from his friends.
Tamara Geraldine, Titi DJ, Rossa, Kristina, Iis Dahlia, did not miss the older brother Yuni Shara.
His gift of one of Laura's loves!
"I surprise really, really happy."
Yes OK gimana not happy if could his special gift took the form of Laura's Love, said KD sumringah when being met after suprise party that was held in his residence in the Dalam Radio region, Southern Jakarta, on Monday (24/3/2008) the dawn.
The wife Anang Hermansyah all the time gazed at the Love that the style of speaking about him was typical that.
KD could in fact claim jealous with the popularity seleb born in this Germany.
"Bayangin then, the age 14 years loved Laura has is famous as it is now."
I then the age segitu not knew again where, continued the woman from Malang, East Java.
The love that received praise from KD so be unsure of what to do.
The 'Cinderella' film star then returned praised KD.
"I felt really happy, not nyangka then if I was invited."
Mbak KD according to me was the noose that humble, She Is a nice person for me, so this Is a great honour for me to involve in a party like this.
Hopefully Mbak KD happy then deh, said the Love with his typical accent.
On Monday (24/3/2008) euphoria and the happiness was felt correctly in the residence of KD. Para the friend, also the mother, and the personnel's family '3 Diva' same felt the same way.
Beforehand KD, Anang and his two children could panic woke up from sleeping they.
Moreover during special people in this KD heart 'merangsek' to the room while singing the song happy birthday.
"I thought earlier was penggrebekan the thief," he said sembari in a dazed.
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