Acha: I could not feel the Love that Tulus
Pebriansyah Ariefana
-source: www. detikHot
Acha Septriasa (eby/hot)
Jakarta, Acha Septriasa has for a long time established relations with Irwansyah.
However till at this time he still could not feel the love to be true.
The true love that was looked for by Acha was the love in the film terbaru him, "In The Name Of Love".
In the film terbaru him that.
Acha played a role as Saskia, a woman who had not felt the sincere love.
"I played a role as Saskia, he wanted the true love."
But on one hand, he mnejalankan lived with light and straight but not could feel the sincere love, he explained when being met in the Graha Building the Fauzi Core, Warung Buncit, Southern Jakarta, on Saturday (8/3/2008) in the afternoon.
Not only as the player, this Irwansyah sweetheart also was involved in the production soundtrack him.
Acha in fact wrote one song that was entitled the 'Bertahan Love' that became the mainstay song in the album soundtrack this.
Did not need a long time for Acha to write the song tersebut. according to him he only just felt broken-hearted like that was felt by Saskia.
"I for him by reading his script Saskia, so I also felt was offended."
His profit syuting him would already more previously was finished, said Acha sumringah.
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