Virnie Nikah Tahun Depan, Cathy PDKT
Rachman Haryanto
Virnie Ismail, Cathy Sharon (rac/hot)
Jakarta Persahabatan Virnie Ismail and Cathy Sharon were increasingly sticky.
Both of them revealed the personal secret.
According to Cathy, Virnie was ready to marry next year, while Cathy is currently middle PDKT alias the approach.
"He (Virnie .red) pengen married next year," said Cathy when being met in ballroom the Ritz Carlton hotel, Pasific Place, Southern Jakarta, recently.
Virnie then did not deny Cathy's statement.
According to him that was the good prayer that sepatut him disyukuri.
Now Cathy reportedly currently was being close to a man.
Since being cut off from Eno, drummer the Neutral band, Cathy has not still been seen took the new girlfriend by the hand.
"Lagian I has almost half of the year was single and like him has during him had the girlfriend," explained Cathy.
Virnie agreed with Cathy's statement.
However if serious wanted to have the girlfriend according to Virnie, the film star the 'Kosong Bench' must want to be arranged and to have to not be too stern.
Cathy was glad not was single?
"Ow not was glad, not was that perhatiin."
If friends and the family must be attentive but that perhatiin specially not was available, was sharing Cathy
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