Olga Lidya was the Producer Film
Pebriansyah Ariefana
-source:www. detikHot.com
Olga Lidya (fjr/hot)
Jakarta, Presenter and the model Olga Lidya immediately spread his career wings as the producer of the film.
His plan he would memproduseri the 'Republic's Mimpi' film that uptil now was taken care of by him.
"I tuh as the producer, his task ngatur the player, milih the player, nentuin the text" of the "scenario also," he said when being met in F Bar, recently.
According to the model that doyan diving that till at this time the text of this film still in the process of the production.
He hoped his film could the release of this year.
Players who participated in the 'Republik Mimpi' TV agenda as Effendi Ghazali and Jarwo Kuwat continued to be involved as the main role.
However several auxiliary players from the celebrity's circle also politicians will illustrate this film.
Olga was then very optimistic with the 'Republic's Mimpi' film.
For him this film could open the eyes of many people to realise whether actual happened in our country.
"If we were so really optimistic saja, his matter we will open all the problems" of "our republic, that we namain the "republic mimpi "
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